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Tensor Fasciae Latae

Use the TFL Ball to target the Tensor Fasciae Latae, a crucial muscle on the front of your hip. Learn how to accurately locate and apply pressure to the TFL for effective release, especially beneficial after using the Mark for the iliacus muscle. Ideal for anyone seeking to alleviate hip tension and knee pain.

Find the release zone for the psoas

Change the level of pressure

Confirm you are on the right spot with the 30-second rule

Hold for 90 seconds or more for long-term results

Explore different locations to find other tight spots

TFL Ball for Deep Hip Rotators Release

Enhance your hip health with our instructional video on using the TFL Ball for deep hip rotator muscles. This part of the video focuses on targeting muscles like the obturators, gemelli, quadratus femoris, and piriformis, which often become tight due to tension in the hip flexors. We'll guide you through finding the Release Zone and applying the right amount of pressure for optimal relief. This technique is perfect for those looking to address deeper layers of muscle tension and achieve a balanced, pain-free state.

Find the release zone for the piriformis

Change the level of pressure

Confirm you are on the right spot with the 30-second rule

Hold for 90 seconds or more for long-term results

Explore different locations to find other tight spots

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